AR-M35, AR-M450 (serv.man38). Web Page Error code information. If you receive an error code whilst updating through the web page, this document should help explain what it means. - Sharp Copying Equipment FAQ (repair manual). Page 6

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ERROR[975]:  Please select Address.
-  When any addressed is not selected for "Address" at the submission of "Group Destination
Control", "Memory Box Relay Broadcast Control".
-  When check box is checked for "Enable Hyperlink to FTP server to be e-mailed" on "FTP
Destination Control", if "E-mail Address" is not selected.
ERROR[976]: Over 300 E-mail Destinations can not be set for hyperlink of FTP.
-  - When over 300 destinations are selected at the submission of "FTP Destination Control"
ERROR[977]: Over 300 Addresses can not be set for Group destination.
-  When over 300 addresses are selected at the submission of "Group Destination Control"
ERROR[978]: Over 30 Recipients can not be set for Memory Box Relay Broadcast.
-  When over 30 recipients are selected at the submission of "Memory Box Relay Broadcast
ERROR[979]: Communications error with Fax controller, setting not active.
-  When the setting is set to SRAM of Fax controller, if communications error occurs with Fax
ERROR[980]: Status & Alert E-mail is not enabled. 
-  When "Send Now" button is clicked on Status Message Parameters Setup, if E-mail Status
feature of controlled has an error..
ERROR[981]:  Invalid character(<,>,&,",#) is included.
-  When “Send Now” button is clicked on “Status Message Parameters Setup”, if invalid
character(<, >, &, “, #) is input in E-mail Address.
  * Because it can not be checked by Javascript for “Send Now” button.
If the IP address does not match the following conditions, an error is returned.
 1.  It consists of "0-9" and "."(period)  Æ IP address
    (For the following items, first, check whether "Hostname" or "IP address" is used).
- "Hostname or IP address" in "FTP Destination Control"
- "Hostname or IP address" in "Desktop Destination Control"
- "Primary E-mail Server" in "E-mail and DNS Setup"
- "Secondary E-mail Server" in "E-mail and DNS Setup"
2.  When it is judged "IP address" in above 1, check if it is valid with the following condition.
   1) There are three "."(period). 
   2) limitation of Input numeral
aaa (before the first period): 1-254
bbb (between the first period and the second period) : 0-255
ccc(between the second period and the third period) : 0-255
ddd(after the third period): 0-254
3. When it is judged "Hostname" in above 1, check if it is valid with the following condition.
  1)   If DNS server entry on "E-mail & DNS Setup"
  2)   If Hostname entered exists in DNS server
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