BDP-CX960 - Sony DVD Service Manual (repair manual). Page 26

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Fig. 3
Move the door
Fig. 4
1.  The case is detached. Step 1-3 is connected and the power cord 
of the set is inserted.
2.  Press the [
] button, The message “TABLE_ADJUST *” is 
appears on the fl uorescent indicator tube, and entering table 
adjust mode. Table is locked (refer to Fig. 5).
3.  The message “TABLE HH: x T4: x” is appears on the fl uo-
rescent indicator tube.
4.  The screw (PTTWH3X6) that is the fi xation of the holder (ta-
ble sensor 400) is loosened (the screw is not detached).
5.  The holder is moved right and left (Fig. 6), and as for “x” of 
“TABLE HH:”, it always light, and “x” of “T4:” searches for 
the position of the verge whether light (it is acceptable even if 
it does not light if it is a verge).
6.  The screw of step 4 is fi xed in the state of step 5.
7. It 
confi rmed that the table is moved by the hand (move only 
a little because it is locked), and “x” of “T4:” blinks.
At this position,this 
part will be locked.
Fig. 5
1.  The case is detached. Step 1-3 is connected and the power cord 
of the set is inserted.
2.  Press the [
] button, The message “TABLE_ADJUST *” is 
appears on the fl uorescent indicator tube, and entering table 
adjust mode. Table is locked (refer to Fig. 1).
3.  The cover chassis is removed, and the screw is loosened (the 
screw is not detached) (refer to Fig. 2).
4.  The door is moved by the hand, and it puts it into the state that 
there is no lever in the hole of the table.
5.  The hole and the lever of the table are matched to the center (it 
shines on with the spotlight etc. and confi rm it).
6.  It is confi rmed that there is a lever in the position of the guide-
line under the table because it does not match it to the adjoin-
ing slot (refer to Fig. 3).
7.  The door is moved by the hand, it is confi rmed that the lever 
rises to the center of the hole of the table (refer to Fig. 4).
8.  The screw of step 3 is fi xed (it is noted to tighten strongly and 
not to destroy it), and the cover chassis is installed.
At this position,this 
part will be locked.
Fig. 1
(POP-UP 400)
Fix to the center so that the
lever (POP-UP 400) does 
not touch the slit.
Cover (chassis 400)
Fig. 2
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