R-793 (serv.man9) - Sharp Home Appliance User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 57

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Serves 4 - 6
225g (8oz) pasta, e.g. Farfalle (pasta bows)
600ml (1pint) boiling water
50g (2oz) pine nuts
1 quantity of blue cheese sauce (see page 61)
15ml (tbsp) fresh parsley, chopped to garnish
1 Place pasta in a large bowl add boiling water and
cook at 70% for 10 - 11 minutes until tender, drain.
2 Add the pinenuts and mix well.  Place in a warm
serving dish and cover with sauce.
Serve hot garnished with parsley.
Serves 4
125g (5oz) onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed (see Tip, page 51)
25g (1oz) butter
450g (1lb) lean minced beef
100g (4oz) mushrooms, chopped
15ml (1tbsp) tomato purée
400g (14oz) canned chopped tomatoes
150ml (
pint) hot beef stock
salt and pepper to taste
12 sheets of lasagne
300ml (
pint) cheese sauce (see page 61)
extra grated cheese to sprinkle
15ml (1tbsp) fresh oregano, chopped to garnish
1 Place onion, garlic and butter in a bowl, heat on
100% for 3 minutes. Add the mince, cook on
100%  for 7 minutes, stir halfway through cooking.
2 Add mushrooms, purée, tomatoes, stock and
seasoning. Cook on 70% for 20 minutes until
thickened, stir every 5-6 minutes.
3 Place 3-4 pieces of lasagne in a bowl, cover with
boiling water. Cook on 100% for 4 minutes until
tender enough to bend. Remove from water, dry on
kitchen paper. Repeat for the remaining lasagne.
4 Place a large spoonful of meat mixture at one end
of a sheet of lasagne, roll up and place seam side
down in a deep, square 20.4cm (8") dish. Repeat
for remaining lasagne. Place any
remaining meat around the filled lasagne.
5 Pour the cheese sauce on top of the filled lasagne.
Sprinkle generously with cheese and parsley.
6 Place on turntable, use sequence programming to
cook on 70% for 12 minutes, then on DUAL GRILL,
70% for 8 minutes until brown and crispy.
Serves 4
30ml (2tbsp) olive oil
125g (5oz) onion, finely chopped
1 stick celery, finely sliced
1 green pepper, seeded and sliced
1 red pepper, seeded and sliced
225g (5oz) beef fillet, thinly sliced into 
5cm (2") strips
2.5ml (
tsp) cayenne pepper
5ml (1tsp) ground cumin
grated rind of 1 lemon
75g (3oz) canned sweetcorn, drained
225g (8oz) white long grain rice
600ml (1 pint) hot beef stock
salt and pepper to taste
1 Place the oil, onion, celery, red and green pepper
in a large bowl, mix well. Heat on 100% for 2
minutes. Stir in the beef and cook on 100% for 5-6
minutes, stir halfway through cooking.
2 Stir in the remaining ingredients and cook on 70%
for 13-14 minutes until the rice is tender and all the
beef stock has been absorbed, stir 2-3 times during
Microwave Tip: Improving smells in the
Place half a lemon in a bowl, add 300ml (
pint) water and heat on 100% for 10-12 minutes.
Wipe the oven using a dry cloth.
Microwave Tip: Softening avocados
Pierce an unpeeled avocado in several places.
Place on the turntable and heat on 100% for  1
minute. Allow to cool before peeling.
R-793M O/M & C/B  08/06/2000  15:17  Page 55
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