KP-46WT520, KP-51WS520, KP-57WS520 (serv.man2) - Sony TV Service Manual (repair manual). Page 32

Read Sony KP-46WT520 / KP-51WS520 / KP-57WS520 (serv.man2) Service Manual online

1.  Set the mode to PRO.
2.  Receive the monoscope signal.
3.  Cover the red and blue CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only green 
to show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps).
4.  Adjust the green CRT’s centering magnet to put the center of the 
monoscope signal to the center of the screen.
5.  Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the red CRT except now you will cover 
the green and blue CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only red to 
show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps) and you will adjust the red 
centering magnet.
6.  Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the blue CRT except now you will cover 
the red and green CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only blue to 
show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps) and you will adjust the blue 
centering magnet.
7.  After 2-Pole and 4-Pole adjustment, entering magnet adjustment 
needs to be confi rmed. If centering magnet is re-adjusted, then 2-Pole 
magnet will need to be confi rmed. 
Note: If lens caps are unavailable, you can cut off the unnecessary color 
beams by controlling the service mode MCP-RON, GON, BON.
1.  Set the mode to PRO and picture to MAX.
2.  Receive the 100IRE 1080i Dot signal.
3.  Cover the red and blue CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only green 
to show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps).
4.  Turn the focus VR on the focus block to the left (counter clockwise) 
and set it to overfocus to enlarge the spot.  
5.  Adjust the CRT’s 2-pole magnet so that the small bright spot is in the 
6.  Align the focus VR on the focus block and set it for the best focus.
7.  Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the red CRT covering the green and 
blue CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only red to show (or use the 
method shown in the note below for turning off the CRTs individually 
without using lens caps) and you will adjust the red focus control on 
the focus block.
8.  Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the blue CRT covering the red and green 
CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only blue to show (or use the 
method shown in the note below for turning off the CRTs individually 
without using lens caps) and you will adjust the blue focus control on 
the focus block.
Note: If lens caps are unavailable, you can cut off the unnecessary color 
beams by controlling the service mode MCP-RON, GON, BON.
1.  Set the mode to VIVID and WIDE mode = Zoom, VM:Off.
2.  Receive the 100IRE 1080i Dot signal.
3.  Cover the red and blue CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only green 
to show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps).
4.  Turn the (green) focus VR on the focus block to the right (clockwise) 
and set it to under-focus to reduce the spot.
5.  Adjust the 4-pole magnet so that the small spot in the center of the 
screen becomes round for green and red.
6.  Adjust the blue spot for:
a.  KP-46WT520/51WS520 to a round shape X:Y=1:1
b.  KP-57WS520 to an oval shape X:Y=1.2:1
7.  Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the red CRT except now you will cover 
the green and blue CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only red to 
show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps) and you will adjust the red 
focus control on the focus block.
8.  Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the blue CRT except now you will cover 
the red and green CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only blue to 
show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps) and you will adjust the blue 
focus control on the focus block.
Note: If lens caps are unavailable, you can cut off the unnecessary color 
beams by controlling the service mode MCP-RON, GON, BON.
x : y = 1:1 (Green, Red)
Use the center dot
Note: Adjust the blue dot to be slightly larger than red and green dots. 
This adjustment provides a more pleasing picture to the customer.
1.  Set the mode to PRO, PICTURE : Max, COLOR TEMP : Cool.
2.  Receive the 100IRE 1080i Dot signal.
3.  Cover the red and green CRT lenses with lens caps to allow only blue 
to show (or use the method shown in the note below for turning off the 
CRTs individually without using lens caps).
4.  Turn the blue focus VR on the focus block to the right (clockwise) until 
blue spot is in focus.
5.  Change mode to VIVID to confi rm Flare level is minimal using cross 
hatch signal.
6.  Set the generator to an all white signal and check uniformity.
Note: If lens caps are unavailable, you can cut off the unnecessary color 
beams by controlling the service mode MCP-RON, GON, BON.
Adjust Point
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