AR-AX1 (serv.man7). AXIS 700-003 Configuring the AXIS 700 for Scanning to Email - Sharp Copying Equipment Technical Bulletin (repair manual). Page 7

Read Sharp AR-AX1 (serv.man7) Technical Bulletin online

Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd., NIS Systems Support
NIS Bulletin 011.doc
Page:  7 of 10
 Enter the name of the directory in which the scanned images will be stored.
 Enter the URL to the image. If left blank, the URL will be constructed from the other fields using
the following syntax:
, or 
 if the value of user
is "ftp" or "anonymous".
After completion of these steps, the AXIS 700 scan server is now ready to send a scanned document
to an E-mail address.  Using the buttons on the AXIS 700 unit simply scroll down and select the E-
mail address that is desired and place the document on the glass, or in the document feeder of the
copier. Press the send button on the AXIS 700 scan server to scan and send the image.
Page of 10

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