R-774M (serv.man9). Part 2 - Sharp Home Appliance User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 15

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Serves 4
50g (2oz) fresh breadcrumbs
50g (2oz) Parmesan cheese, freshly grated
1 egg (size 3), beaten
4 chicken fillets (approximately 200g (7oz) each)
25g (1oz) plain flour
400g (14oz) canned chopped tomatoes
1 clove garlic, crushed (see Tip, below)
10ml (2tsp) fresh oregano, chopped
300ml (
pint) chicken stock
15ml (1tbsp) corn flour
salt and pepper to taste
50g (2oz) Cheddar or Parmesan cheese, grated
Serves 4
4 chicken breast fillets (200g (7oz) each)
45ml (3tbsp) clear honey
5ml (1tsp) whole grain mustard
2.5ml (
tsp) dried tarragon (see Tip, page 48)
15ml (1tbsp) tomato purée
150ml (
pint) chicken stock
15ml (1tbsp) cornflour
salt and pepper
Preparation Time - 6 Minutes
1 Place the chicken breasts in a casserole dish.
2 Mix all remaining ingredients together and pour
over the chicken.
3 Cook on 70% for 22 minutes.  Coat the chicken
with the sauce several times during cooking.
Serves 4
2kg (4
lb) oven ready duckling
soy sauce to brush
To serve:
32 ready made Chinese pancakes
1 bunch spring onions, cut into 5cm (2") fingers
cucumber, cut into 5cm (2") fingers
120ml (4floz) hoi sin sauce
Serve each person with 8 pancakes and some of
the duckling including the skin. Serve onion,
cucumber and sauce separately.  Spread a little of
the sauce on a pancake, top with onion, cucumber
and duck. Roll up and eat.
Preparation Time - 15 Minutes
1 Wash the duck and pat dry with kitchen paper.
Calculate the cooking time at 10 - 11 minutes per
450g (1lb). Place the duck breast side down on
the rack and brush with soy sauce.
2 Cook on 100% for the calculated cooking time.
Turn the duck over halfway through cooking,
pierce lightly with a fork and brush with soy
3 After cooking, cut the duck (including the skin)
into small pieces. Place in a large flan dish
sprinkle generously with soy sauce, toss to coat
4 Place on the rack and cook using GRILL-1 for 12 -
14 minutes until evenly crispy, stir 2 - 3 times
during cooking.
5 To reheat the pancakes, stack in a clean, damp
tea towel, heat on 70% for 3 minutes.
Microwave Tip: Peeling garlic easily
Place 3 - 4 cloves of garlic on the turntable. Heat
on 100% for 30 seconds, squeeze at one end
until the clove pops out.
Preparation Time - 12 Minutes
1 Combine breadcrumbs and cheese.
2 Beat the egg on a plate. Dip each breast first into
the egg and then into the breadcrumb mixture
until thoroughly coated, place in a 2.5 litre
(approx. 4 pint) casserole dish and put to one
3 Place flour in a bowl, mix to a paste with a little
of the tomato juice. Stir in the rest of the
tomatoes, garlic, oregano and chicken stock,
salt, pepper and corn flour, mix well. Heat on
100% for 5 minutes, stirring every minute until
4 Spoon tomato mixture over the chicken breasts.
5 Place on the turntable, cook for 50 minutes at
6 Rearrange the chicken pieces twice whilst
7 Sprinkle generously with grated cheese, 15
minutes before the end of cooking.
R-774M O/M  21/03/2001  15:06  Page 46
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