DOS HOSPITALITY (serv.man3). UP5700 Version 4 Programming Manual (Versions 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 4.6 4.7) - Sharp EPOS Service Manual (repair manual). Page 33

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Operation is similar to all other PMS connections . A Post to Room key should be allocated
to the payment screen and used in the normal way to finalise. When the key is depressed a
NEW screen will be displayed. This shows the following.
Account Type :
Choose Code :
Choose Name :
Account Type
To Change the Account type press the panel with the default text of
“ROOM” in it, this will change the account type to “Company”
“Group” etc. This is for use with Omega 2000. Innfront only uses
“ROOM” type accounts.
Choose Code
This is the box for room number entry, to enter a value press the right
hand box to the one showing “Choose Code” this will bring up a
QWERTY keyboard for room number selection. If a mistake is made
the “Choose Code” box can be pressed, this will clear the room
number entered.
Choose Name
This is the box for Customer Name entry, to enter a value press the
right hand box to the one showing “Choose Name” this will bring up a
QWERTY keyboard for name entry. If a mistake is made the “Choose
Name” box can be pressed, this will clear the room name entered. It is
not necessary to enter the full name. i.e if “b” is selected the POS will
show ALL people with the letter B as the first letter of their name or
“bu” would bring up all customers whose name begins with BU.
Selecting CANCEL will return the machine to the trading screen
After correct data entry in the selection boxes OK should be pressed to
access the Innsite system, the POS will then display ALL matches
from the present Hotel Guest list.
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