DCR-TRV900 - Sony Movie Service Manual (repair manual). Page 6

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1-3. Clock Signal Block Description
The sampling clock frequency systems of the DCR-TRV900 are classified into
the followings.
(1) For the camera system and external video input system: 13.5 MHz
The sampling clock frequency for the camera signal that is specified by
the DV format.
(2) For the signal compression system: 18.0 MHz
As the clock frequency for the Y-signal data and the C-signal data is 13.5
MHz, a higher clock frequency of 18.0 MHz is used to compress them
into a single data.
(3) i. LINK system: 98.3 MHz
The sampling clock frequency for the DV terminal is specified to be  98.3
(4) For interfacing the record system: 8.37 MHz
Because the record circuit is located in a separate circuit board, and to
ensure the interfacing, this sampling frequency is used.
(5) For record system: 41.85 MHz
(6) For the playback signal processing system: 20.925 MHz
The frequency that is suited for processing the playback signal, is se-
(7) For VIDEO OUT: 27.0 MHz
The over-sampling frequency is used to improve the waveform character-
istics of the video LINE OUT signal.
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