DSC-P73 (serv.man11) - Sony Digital Camera Service Manual (repair manual). Page 2

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— 2 —
 : Points added parts.
 : Points changed portion.
(Service Manual Page 6-22)
Initializing All Page Data
By performing the following procedure, data of all pages will be
If all page data have been initialized, all adjustments need
to be performed again.
Initializing Method:
1) Select page: 00, address: 01 and set data: 01.
2) Click 
[Sector Write]
 on the SEUS screen to display the SEUS
3) Check that the SET ID is “06”.
4) Click 
 of the ALL SELECT buttons to select all pages. (Fig.
6-1-50 A)
5) Click 
 to write the initializing data to the flash memory
of the camera.
6) Wait for 3 sec.
7) Click 
 to close the SEUS SECTOR WRITE screen.
8) Select page: 8E, address: 00 and set data: 20.
9) Click 
 on the SEUS screen.
10) Wait for more than 3 sec.
11) Select page: 80, address: 30, and check that the data is “00”.
Initializing Single Page Data
By performing the following procedure, data of the page that you
want to initialize will be initialized.
Note 1:
If the 6E or 6F page data have been initialized, the
following adjustment needs to be performed again.
1) Camera system adjustments
Note 2:
If the 8F page data have been initialized, the following
adjustment needs to be performed again.
1) Video system adjustments
2) LCD system adjustments
Initializing Method:
1) Select page: 00, address: 01 and set data: 01.
2) Click 
[Sector Write]
 on the SEUS screen to display the SEUS
3) Check that the SET ID is “06”.
4) Click “All” of the option buttons of target page. (Fig. 6-1-50
5) Click 
 to write the initializing data to the flash memory
of the camera.
6) Wait for 3 sec.
7) Click 
 to close the SEUS SECTOR WRITE screen.
8) When 8E page is initialized, select page: 8E, address: 00 and
set data: 20.
9) Click 
 on the SEUS screen.
10) Wait for more than 3 sec.
11) Select page: 80, address: 30, and check that the data is “00”.
Setting the Test Mode
(Service Manual Page 6-23)
• After completing adjustments/repairs, release the data setting.
1) Select page: 00, address: 01, and set data: 01.
2) Select page: 2F, address: 23, and set data: 80.
3) Save the data.
4) Wait for more than 3 sec.
5) Select page: 80, address: 30, and check that the data is “00”.
6) Select page: 00, address: 01, and set data: 00.
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Download Sony DSC-P73 (serv.man11) Service Manual (Repair Manual)