CX-JD33, CX-JD55, JAX-D33, JAX-D55 - Sony Audio Service Manual (repair manual). Page 25

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2-1-3.  Disc Type CD
It sets up so that it may judge as a disc type of specification of the
disc with which the set was inserted.
[1]: CD disc (normal speed, 12 cm)
[2]: CD disc (double speed, 12 cm)
[3]: CD disc (normal speed, 8 cm)
[4]: CD disc (double speed, 8 cm)
[5]: CD-RW disc (normal speed, 12 cm)
[6]: CD-RW disc (double speed, 12 cm)
[7]: CD-RW disc (normal speed, 8 cm)
[8]: CD-RW disc (double speed, 8 cm)
2-1-4.  Disc Type Hybrid
It sets up so that it may judge as a disc type of specification of the
disc with which the set was inserted.
[1]: SACD Hybrid disc (SACD layer, 12 cm)
[2]: SACD Hybrid disc (CD layer, normal speed, 12 cm)
[3]: SACD Hybrid disc (CD layer, double speed, 12 cm)
[4]: SACD Hybrid disc (SACD layer, 8 cm)
[5]: SACD Hybrid disc (CD layer, normal speed, 8 cm)
[6]: SACD Hybrid disc (CD layer, double speed, 8 cm)
2-2.  Servo Control
Be sure to perform the disc type setup before performing this item.
On this screen, the servo on/off control necessary for replay is
executed. Normally, turn on each servo from 1 sequentially and
when CLVA is turned on, the usual trace mode becomes active. In
the trace mode, DVD sector address or CD time code is displayed.
This is not displayed where the spindle is not locked.
The spindle could run overriding the control if the spindle system is
faulty or RF is not present. In such a case, do not operate CLVA.
[1] LD
: Turn on/off the laser.
[2] Focus
: Search the focus and turn on the focus.
[3] SPDL
: Turn on/off the spindle.
[4] CLVA
: Turn on/off normal servo of spindle servo.
[5] Trk.
: Turn on/off the tracking servo.
[6] Sled
: Turn on/off the sled servo.
[7] FCS. Srch
: Turn on/off the focus search.
: All servo off.
[R] Sled FWD (right cursor) : Move the sled forward.
[L] Sled REV (left cursor)   : Move the sled reverse.
[U] Sled FWD (up cursor)   : Reset the sled.
[D] Sled REV (down cursor)
: Limit in the sled.
2-3.  Track/Layer Jump
On this screen, track jump, etc. can be performed. Only for the DVD
dual layer disc, the focus jump and layer jump are displayed in the
right field
[1] 1Tj FWD
: 1 track jump forward.
[2] 1Tj REV
: 1 track jump reverse.
[3] 500Tj FWD
: 500 track jump (fine search)forward.
[4] 500Tj REV
: 500 track jump (fine search) reverse.
[5] 10kTj FWD
: 10k track jump (direct search) forward.
[6] 10kTj REV
: 10k track jump (direct search) reverse.
[7] 20kTj FWD
: 20k track jump (direct search) forward.
[8] 20kTj REV
: 20k track jump (direct search) reverse.
: All servo off.
2-4.  Non EEPROM Write Adjust
On this screen, each item can be adjusted automatically. Select the
desired number [1] to [10/0] from the remote commander, and current
setting for the selected item will be displayed, then increase or
decrease numeric value with the O key or o key. If CLV has been
applied, the jitter is displayed for reference for the adjustment.
[1] Focus Offset
     : Adjusts focus offset.
[2] Focus Gain
     : Adjusts focus gain.
[3] TRK. Offset Coarse : Adjusts tracking offset of the RF amp
       (IC001) side.
[4] TRK. Offset Fine      : Adjusts tracking offset of the DSP
       (IC401) side.
[5] TRK. Gain
     : Adjusts track gain.
[6] EQ Boost
     : Adjusts amount of boost of equalizer.
     : All servo off.
  Track/Layer Jump
 1.  1Tj
 2.  1Tj
 3.500Tj Fine
 4.500Tj Fine
 5.10kTj Dirc
 6.10kTj Dirc
 7.20kTj Dirc
 8.20kTj Dirc
 0. All Servo Off
       Exit: RETURN
      Non EEPROM Write Adjust
 1. Focus
 2. Focus
 3. Trk.
Offset Coarse
 4. Trk.
Offset Fine
 5. Trk.
 6. EQ
 0.All Servo Off
       Exit: RETURN
   Servo Control
off R.Sled FWD
off L.Sled REV
off U.Sled Reset
off D.Sled Limit
 0.All Servo Off
       Exit: RETURN
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