XG-C50XE (serv.man42). Additional PBS filter - Sharp Projector Technical Bulletin (repair manual). Page 2

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Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd., Technical Services Group
Procedure of fixing the additional PBS filter (BQC-XGC50X//3)
This service parts is applicable to maintain the unit installed at ceiling mount.
Applicable models:
XG-C50X, PG-C45X and PG-C45S series
1. Turn off the power.
2. Unplug the AC cord.
3. Peel the adhesive tape off from the spacer (PSPAZA378WJZZ).
4. Stick the spacer (PSPAZA378WJZZ) on the PBS filter intake opening. (Fig-1)
5. Install the ceiling mount bracket. (Fig-2)
6. Fix the additional PBS filter (PFILDA013WJZZ) on the PBS filter intake opening. (Fig-3)
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