R-671M (serv.man2). For R671M Microwave Oven. - Sharp Home Appliance User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 37

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Serves 4   Cooking time  -  25 minutes 
Preparation time  -  10 minutes
Orange and tomato flavours combine to make an
unusually refreshing soup.
25g (1oz) butter
1 medium onion, chopped
1 large carrot & 1 large potato, chopped
800g (1
lb) canned, chopped tomatoes
juice and grated rind of 1 small orange
900ml (1
pints) hot vegetable stock
salt and pepper to taste
1 Melt the butter in a large bowl on 100P (HIGH)
for 1 minute.
2 Add the onion, carrot and potato and heat on
100P (HIGH) for 6 minutes. Stir halfway
through cooking. 
3 Add the tomatoes, orange juice, orange rind
and stock. Mix thoroughly. Season with salt and
pepper to taste. Cover the bowl and cook on
100P (HIGH) for 15 minutes, stir 2-3 times
during cooking, until the vegetables are tender.
4 Blend and serve immediately.
Serves 2-4
Cooking time  -  10 - 12 minutes
Preparation time  -  8 minutes
50g (2oz) butter
50g (2oz) fresh brown breadcrumbs
100g (4oz) cooked ham, finely chopped
90ml (6tbsp) double cream
salt and pepper to taste
5ml (1tsp) fresh parsley, chopped
2 large ripe avocados
15ml (1tbsp) lemon juice
50g (2oz) cheese, grated
1 Place the butter in a bowl and heat on 100P
(HIGH) for 1 minute.  Stir in the breadcrumbs
and ham, add enough cream to bind the
mixture.  Season with salt and pepper to taste
and stir in the parsley, cook on 100P (HIGH) for
2-3 minutes.
2 Cut the avocados in half, remove the stone and
brush the flesh with lemon juice.  Fill each
avocado with the breadcrumb mixture.
3 Place the avocados in a large flan dish and
sprinkle with the grated cheese.
4 Place the dish on the high rack, use sequence
programming (see page 19) to cook on 100P
(HIGH) for 1 minute, then on GRILL for 6-7
minutes until brown and crispy.
Serves 4   Cooking time  -  24 minutes 
Preparation time  -  8 minutes
2 large onions, sliced
15ml (1tbsp) vegetable oil
50g (2oz) plain flour
1.2 litres (2 pints) hot meat or vegetable stock
salt and pepper to taste
30ml (2tbsp) parsley, chopped
4 thick slices French bread
50g (2oz) cheese, grated
1 Place the onion and oil in a bowl, mix well and
heat on 100P (HIGH) for 1 minute.
2 Stir in the flour to make a paste and gradually
add stock.  Season and add the parsley.
3 Cover the bowl and cook on 70P (MEDIUM
HIGH) for 18 minutes.
4 Pour the soup into serving bowls, submerge
bread and sprinkle generously with cheese.
5 Heat on 70P (MEDIUM HIGH) for 2 minutes,
until the cheese has melted.
Lentil and bacon soup: Make as above. After Stage 2, add 50g (2oz) cooked lentils and 2 rashers of
bacon (cooked and chopped). Omit the French bread and grated cheese. 
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