R-653 (serv.man5) - Sharp Home Appliance User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 34

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Serves 4           
Preparation time  -  18 - 20 minutes
15ml (1tbsp) olive oil
450g (1lb) aubergines, cut in 2.5cm (1”) cubes
225g (8oz) onions, roughly chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
3 sticks of celery, chopped
450g (1lb) canned, chopped tomatoes
5ml (1tsp) fresh basil, chopped
pinch of allspice & salt and pepper to taste
100g (4oz) canned butter beans
100g (4oz) canned black eyed beans
100g (4oz) okra
30ml (2tbsp) fresh parsley, chopped
1 Heat the olive oil in a large bowl on 100P
(HIGH) for 1 minute. Stir in the aubergines, and
cook on 100P (HIGH) for 6 minutes. Add the
onions, garlic and celery, mix thoroughly.
2 Add the tomatoes, basil, allspice, beans and
okra. Season with salt and pepper. Cover and
cook on 70P (MEDIUM HIGH) for 25 minutes,
stir every 5 minutes.
3 Stir in the parsley.
Serve with rice or baked potatoes. 
Serves 4-6        
Preparation time  -  10-12 minutes
175g (6oz) walnuts, finely chopped
225g (8oz) fresh brown breadcrumbs
100g (4oz) Cheddar cheese, grated
1 small onion, finely chopped
50g (2oz) mushrooms, finely sliced
10ml (2tsp) fresh parsley, chopped
90ml (6tbsp) milk
4 eggs (medium), beaten
30ml (2tbsp) whole grain mustard
salt & pepper to taste
100g (4oz) fresh spinach, washed and chopped
5ml (1tsp) water
125g (5oz) cottage cheese
50g (2oz) Cheddar cheese, grated to sprinkle
1 Grease a 1.5 litre (2
pint)  loaf dish and line
the base with greaseproof paper.
2 Place the walnuts, breadcrumbs, cheese, onion,
mushrooms, parsley, milk, eggs  and mustard in
a large bowl. Mix thoroughly and season with
salt and pepper to taste.
3 Place spinach in a separate bowl, add 5ml
(1tsp) water. Cook on 100P (HIGH) for 4-5
minutes. Drain.
4 Divide nut mixture in half. Put one half in the
base of the loaf dish and smooth the surface.
5 Spread cottage cheese over this layer, followed
by the spinach and the remaining nut mixture.
Smooth the surface, sprinkle with cheese.
6 Cook on 50P (MEDIUM) for 10 minutes and then
on DUAL GRILL 50P (MEDIUM) for 15 minutes,
until a skewer comes out clean.
Serves 4          
Preparation time  -  15 minutes
450g (1lb) par-boiled potatoes, thinly sliced
225g (8oz) Cheddar cheese, thinly sliced
2 medium onions, sliced
100g (4oz) cooked ham, chopped
300ml (1/2 pint) white sauce (See Page 39)
25g (1oz) cheese, grated 
1 Place alternate layers of potato, cheese, onion,
ham and white sauce in a casserole dish, until all
ingredients are used. Top with grated cheese. 
2 Cook on 50P (MEDIUM) for 22 minutes and then
on DUAL GRILL 50P (MEDIUM) for 8 minutes.
R-653M O/M & C/B  10/03/2000  10:14  Page 32
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