UP-X300 (serv.man49). Front End Operation Manual - Sharp EPOS User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 27

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■ Message for clerk (Electronic mail function)
When a clerk got a mail, the following window will appear.
To close the window, touch [Cancel].
To delete the message, touch [Delete].
To print the message, touch [Print].
■ Sign-off operation
A signed-on clerk may be automatically signed off after finalizing a transaction.  If not, the clerk should
make a sign-off operation when he or she finish his or her operation.  Use the following procedure.
If another clerk is signed on while a clerk is signed on, the latter will automatically be signed off, unless
the overlapped clerk entry is allowed.  For details of overlapped clerk function please refer to the
overlapped clerk entry section.
Touch the [CLK #] key, your POS terminal will go to a sign-on status waiting for other clerk code entry.
Or remove your clerk key.
Touch [Open], a message window will appear.
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