DP-2000, DP-2500, DP-3000 - Panasonic Copying Equipment Service Manual (repair manual). Page 28

Read Panasonic DP-2000 / DP-2500 / DP-3000 Service Manual online

External View
Top view
Rear view
Front view
Right side view
Left side view
45.3 inches (1151 mm)
40.7 inches (1033 mm)
26.3 inches (667 mm)
27.6 inches (701 mm)
33.9 inches (862 mm)
46.0 inches (1168 mm)
23.6 inches
(600 mm)
23.5 inches 
(597 mm)
For Serial Number contents,
see Sect. 1.5.1.
Page of 127

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