TX-PR42UT30 - Panasonic Plasma Service Manual (repair manual). Page 24

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8.13. Remove the C1-Board
1. Remove the Radiator plate. (See section 8.12.)
2. Disconnect the flexible cables (CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4,
CB5, CB6 and CB7).
3. Disconnect the flexible cables (C10 and C11).
4. Remove the screws (
) and remove the C1-Board.
8.14. Remove the C2-Board
1. Remove the Radiator plate. (See section 8.12.)
2. Disconnect the flexible cables (CB8, CB9, CB10, CB11,
CB12, CB13, CB14 and CB15).
3. Disconnect the flexible cables (C20, C21 and C23).
4. Disconnect the connector (C25).
5. Remove the screws (
) and remove the C2-Board.
8.15. Remove the Attachment metal
1. Remove the Radiator plate. (See section 8.12.)
2. Remove the screws (
 each) and remove the Attach-
ment metal bottom (L, R).
8.16. Remove the Attachment metal
1. Remove the Cabinet assy. (See section 8.11.)
2. Remove the screws (
×2 , 
) and remove the
Attachment metal top (L, R).
8.17. Remove the Glass holders
1. Remove the Cabinet assy. (See section 8.11.)
2. Remove the screws (
×5 ).
3. Remove the Glass holder top.
4. Remove the screws (
×5 ).
5. Remove the Glass holder bottom.
6. Remove the screws (
×4 ).
7. Remove the Glass holder side (L, R).
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