HBD-E2100, HBD-E3100, HBD-E3200, HBD-E4100, HBD-E6100 - Sony Audio Service Manual (repair manual). Page 27

Read Sony HBD-E2100 / HBD-E3100 / HBD-E3200 / HBD-E4100 / HBD-E6100 Service Manual online

Category: Bluetooth Device Test
Category: Bluetooth Device Test
[1] Bluetooth Enable
[2] Bluetooth Disable
[3] Write Bluetooth device address to Registry
[4] Bluetooth Inquiry Test  (not used)
Status : Bluetooth Enable Successful!
Status : Bluetooth Enable Fail!
(Screen 1)
(Screen 2)
(Screen 3)
Category: Bluetooth Device Test
[1] Bluetooth Enable
[2] Bluetooth Disable
[3] Write Bluetooth device address to Registry
[4] Bluetooth Inquiry Test  (not used)
Status : Bluetooth Disable Successful!
Status : Bluetooth Disable Fail!
(Screen 4)
Category: Bluetooth Device Test
[1] Bluetooth Enable
[2] Bluetooth Disable
[3] Write Bluetooth device address to Registry
[4] Bluetooth Inquiry Test (not used)
Bluetooth device address : 00:01:36:23:FD:CF 
Status : Write Successful!
Status : Write Fail!
12. Log: Error Log (Output of each Log)
This screen displays the contents of each log.
Note: Do not refer to the displayed date.
Screen 1: Selects log
[1]/[ ] 
Moves to the Error Log output screen
[RETURN]  Returns to the top menu of the service mode
Screen 2: Displays the Error Log
Returns to the previous page
Moves to the next page
[RETURN] Returns to the screen (Screen 1) that selects the log 
Writes the log contents to an USB memory device
•  Viewing the log display
Error Log:
[174] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[Index number] [Date] [Time] [Error code]
About copying log to USB memory device:
Press the [RED] button in each log display screen with the USB 
memory device inserted into the unit.
Note: Please do not press the [RED] button immediately after USB mem-
ory is inserted. 
  Please do not pull out USB memory immediately after the [RED] 
button was pressed.
Error Log:
fi le” exists in the USB memory de-
vice, errlog.log fi le is output.
 Select Log
 Error Log
[174] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[175] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[176] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[177] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[178] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[179] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[180] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[181] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[182] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[183] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[184] 2010/01/01 00:00:07 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[185] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
[186] 2010/01/01 00:00:08 [ErrCode:0902A4053002]
<Page 1/20>
HELP : Press [RED] key to store log to Udisc.
[1] Error Log
(Screen 1)
(Screen 2)
Ver. 1.5
Page of 94

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