DVP-NC625, DVP-NC665P, HT-6600DP - Sony Audio Service Manual (repair manual). Page 107

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3-2-2. Result display
 AllCheck result display
When AllCheck is completed, the following display appears.
• Check Result
When the test result is all OK, the message “AllOK!” appears. If
any item is found defective, “NG!” is displayed. The conditions to
show NG are shown below.
 “Operation time has exceeded either upper limit or lower limit.”
 “Disc is not inserted or 2 or more discs are detected.”
 “Either tray or table does not move.”
• Exist Disc
The number where disc is located, is shown.
• NG Number
This message appears when the test result is NG. The displayed
numbers correspond to the following operations.
1: Open 
t Down
2: Down 
t Open
3: Up 
t ExOpen
4: ExOpen 
t Up
5: Up 
t Down
6: Down 
t Up
Tray (DiscNumber)
11: 1 
t 2
21: 1 
t 5
12: 2 
t 3
22: 5 
t 4
13: 3 
t 4
23: 4 
t 3
14: 4 
t 5
24: 3 
t 2
15: 5 
t 1
25: 2 
t 1
If any of the following buttons is pressed while this display is being
shown, the following operations start.
When [PLAY] is pressed, AllCheck starts.
When [NEXT] is pressed, details of measurement result are dis-
When [DISPLAY] is pressed, the limit setting menu appears.
When any other key is pressed, the display returns to the main
 TableCheck result display
When table check is completed, the following display appears.
The operation time between each operation segments is displayed
(in unit of ms). In the right of the time display, judgment if the time
is OK or NG is displayed. This judgment of OK or NG is displayed
on the FL display tube. If the remote commander [UP] or [DOWN]
key is pressed, results of measurement of each operation segment
are displayed on FL display.
When [NEXT] is pressed during AllCheck, result of the next mea-
surement is displayed.  When [PREVIOUS] is pressed during
AllCheck, result of the previous measurement is displayed. If any
other key is pressed, display returns to the main menu.
In the TableCheck mode, if any key is pressed, display returns to
the main menu.
 TrayCheck (Right) result display
After tray check is completed by rotating it in clockwise direction,
the following display appears.
The guide slit time (in units of ms) of each operation segment of
tray is displayed. In the right of the time display, judgment if the
time is OK or NG is displayed. The ExistDisc indicates the number
where disc is located. This judgment of OK or NG is displayed on
the FL display tube. If the remote commander [UP] or [DOWN] key
is pressed, results of measurement of each operation segment are
displayed on FL display.
When  [NEXT] is pressed, result of the next measurement is dis-
played.  When [PREVIOUS] is pressed, result of the previous mea-
surement is displayed. If any other key is pressed, display returns to
the main menu.
In the TrayCheck mode, if any key is pressed, display returns to the
main menu.
### Mecha Check ###
Checkresult : All OK!
Exist Disc
: 3
NG Number : 2     11
PLAY : All Check Start
NEXT : DetailedDisplay
DISP : Limit Set
### Mecha Check ###
Load Time
01 : Open –> Down : 2709 ms OK
02 : Down –> Open : 2277 ms OK
03 : Up –> ExOpen : 2244 ms OK
04 : ExOpen –> Up : 2819 ms OK
05 : Up –> Down
:  407 ms OK
06 : Down –> Up
:  422 ms OK
Push Any Key
### Mecha Check ###
GuideSlit Time (Right)
11 : 1 –> 2 : 139,138 ms OK
12 : 2 –> 3 : 138,137 ms OK
13 : 3 –> 4 : 138,138 ms OK
14 : 4 –> 5 : 139,138 ms OK
15 : 5 –> 1 : 140,139 ms OK
Exist Disc : 3
Push Any Key
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