CFD-S28 - Sony Audio Service Manual (repair manual). Page 25

Read Sony CFD-S28 Service Manual online

– 35 –
– 36 –
SCHEMATIC  DIAGRAM  – MAIN Section (2/3) –
 See page 39 for Waveforms.
 See page 46 for IC Block Diagrams.
Note on Schematic Diagram:
• All capacitors are in µF unless otherwise noted.  pF: µµF
50 WV or less are not indicated except for electrolytics
and tantalums.
• All resistors are in 
W or less unless otherwise
: B+ Line.
• Power voltage is dc 9 V and fed with regulated dc power
supply from battery terminal.
• Voltages and waveforms are dc with respect to ground
under no-signal conditions.
no mark : CD PLAY
: Impossible to measure
• Voltages are taken with a VOM (Input impedance 10 M
Voltage variations may be noted due to normal produc-
tion tolerances.
• Waveforms are taken with a oscilloscope.
Voltage variations may be noted due to normal produc-
tion tolerances.
• Circled numbers refer to waveforms.
• Signal path.
: CD
The components identified by mark 
 or dotted
line with mark 
 are critical for safety.
Replace only with part number specified.
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