XG-C40XE. Version 1.4 - Sharp Projector Handy Guide. Page 26

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RS-232 Command
Version 1.4
Issue 04/2006
(RS-232C) Specifications and Command
PC control
A computer can be used to control the projector by connecting an RS-232C serial control cable (cross
type, sold separately) to the projector.
Communication conditions
Set the serial port settings of the computer to match that of the table.
Signal format: Conforms to RS-232C standard. 
Parity bit: None
Baud rate: 9,600 bps 
Stop bit: 1 bit
Data length: 8 bits 
Flow control: None
Basic format
Commands from the computer are sent in the following order: command, parameter, and return code.
After the projector processes the command from the computer, it sends a response code to the
Command format
Command 4-digit 
Parameter 4-digit
Response code format
Normal response 
Problem response (communication error or incorrect command)
When more than one code is being sent, send each command only after the response code for the
previous command from the projector is verified.
To conserve power in STANDBY MODE, the CPU in this model will enter Deep Sleep mode
approximately 10 seconds after the last command is received. In the case of transmitting
commands during Deep Sleep mode, it takes a maximum of 30 seconds until the response code is
received. If subsequent commands are sent to the projector within 10 seconds, the projector will
reply immediately. If no further commands are received within 10 seconds, the projector will again
return to Deep Sleep mode. Please note that Deep Sleep mode is only activated in STANDBY
MODE. There is no delayed RS-232C response when the projector is in operation.
A special command, POWR???? is available for applications that require continuous polling. This
command will not wake the CPU in Deep Sleep mode and the projector will provide immediate reply
in STANDBY mode. “1” will indicate Power on, “0” will indicate Power off. When the power is turned
on during standby with the “POWER ON” command, wait for at least 30 seconds after the power
has been turned on, and then transmit the next command.
We suggest disabling the AUTO SEARCH feature before initiating RS-232C communications. If
AUTO SEARCH is enabled, it will be necessary to send the POWER OFF command “POWR_ _ _0”
two times to power down the projector. (The first “POWR_ _ _0” command cancels AUTO SEARCH
and the second “POWR_ _ _0” command will place the projector in standby mode.)
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