R-874 (serv.man7) - Sharp Home Appliance User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 62

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Serves 6 - 8
250g (9oz) strong plain flour
5ml (1 tsp) dried yeast
5ml (1 tsp) caster sugar
5ml (1 tsp) salt
25g (1oz) butter
1 egg (size 3), beaten
120ml (4floz) hand hot milk
25g (1oz) butter, melted
100g (4oz) ground almonds
100g (4oz) caster sugar
2.5ml (
tsp) almond essence
2 egg whites (size 3)
175g (6oz) icing sugar
10ml (2 tsp) lemon juice
10ml (2 tsp) water
flaked almonds, to sprinkle
glacé cherries, halved, to sprinkle
1 Place flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl, mix
well. Rub in butter. Add egg and milk, mix to a
soft dough. Knead lightly. Return to the bowl,
cover with cling film.  
2 Place on low rack, prove on CONVECTION
40°C for 20 minutes.
3 Roll the dough into a rectangle 20 x 38cm (8 x
14"), brush with melted butter.
4 To prepare filling, mix ground almonds, sugar,
essence and egg whites to a paste. Spread over
the dough, roll up tightly from longest side.
5 Place roll in a large, greased flan dish, join ends
to form a ring.  Using scissors snip 1cm (
") into
the dough along the length of the ring at 2cm
") intervals. Cover loosely with cling film. 
6 Place on turntable, prove on CONVECTION
40°C for 20 minutes. Remove cover.
7 Place on low rack, bake in a preheated oven
CONVECTION 220°C for 15 - 20 minutes until
golden. Cool before decorating.
8 To prepare topping, mix icing sugar, lemon juice
and water until smooth. Spread evenly over tea
ring, sprinkle with flaked almonds and cherries.
Serves 6 - 8
450g (1lb) self raising flour
100g (4oz) caster sugar
100g (4oz) butter
100g (4oz) sultanas
2 eggs (size 3), beaten with milk to
make 300ml (
1 egg (size 3), beaten to glaze
Wholemeal scones: 
Substitute white self raising flour
with wholemeal self raising flour, omit sultanas.
Date scones: Substitute white self raising flour with
wholemeal self raising flour and the sultanas with 100g
(4oz) dates, finely chopped.
Spiced apple scones: Substitute white self raising
flour with wholemeal flour and sultanas with 1 eating
apple, grated. Add 10ml (2 tsp) cinnamon at Stage 2.
Cheese and chive scones:  Omit sugar and
sultanas. Add 175g (6oz) grated Cheddar cheese,
15ml (1 tbsp) dried chives, salt and pepper at Stage 2.
Fresh herb scones:  Omit sugar and sultanas. Add
10ml (2 tsp) fresh parsley, 10ml (2 tsp) fresh sage and
10ml (2 tsp) fresh thyme at Stage 2.
1 Grease two large flan dishes.
2 Combine the flour and sugar in a bowl, rub in
the butter and stir in the fruit. Add enough egg
and milk mixture to form a soft dough.
3 Roll out  until 2cm (
") thick, cut out scones
6.5cm (2
") in diameter.
4 Place the scones in the prepared dishes and
brush with egg to glaze. 
5 Place one dish on the low rack and the other on
the high rack.  Cook for 45 minutes using
CONVECTION 200°C until golden, changing
the two dishes around after 25 minutes.
Microwave Tip: Drying breadcrumbs
Spread 100g (4oz) fresh breadcrumbs evenly over a
large plate. Heat on 100% for 2 - 3 minutes, stir
every minute until crispy.
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R-874M/R-84STM Op Man/Ck Bk  30/3/01  9:11 am  Page 60
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