R-354M (serv.man7). Cook Book Part 2 - Sharp Home Appliance User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 23

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Serves 4          
Preparation time  -  25 minutes
125g (5oz) onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
25g (1oz) butter
450g (1lb) lean minced beef
100g (4oz) mushrooms, chopped
15ml (1tbsp) tomato purée
400g (14oz) canned, chopped tomatoes
150ml (
pint) hot beef stock
salt and pepper to taste
12 pieces of cannelloni
300ml (
pint) cheese sauce (See Page 48)
extra grated cheese to sprinkle
15ml (1tbsp) fresh oregano, chopped to garnish
1 Place onion, garlic and butter in a dish.  Cook
on 100P for 3 minutes.
2 Add the minced beef and cook on 100P for 6
minutes, stirring twice during cooking. 
3 Add mushrooms, tomato purée, tomatoes, beef
stock and seasoning.  Cook on 100P for 20
minutes, stir every 5 minutes until thick.
4 Fill cannelloni with meat mixture and place in a
deep 20cm (8”) square dish. Place any
remaining mixture around the cannelloni.
5 Pour the cheese sauce over the cannelloni and
sprinkle with cheese. Cook on 70P for 20
Serves 4     
Preparation time  -  1
900g (2lb) chicken, cut into small chunks 
175g (6oz) natural yogurt
2 cloves garlic, crushed
50g (2oz) creamed coconut
10ml (2tsp) turmeric
25g (1oz) butter
125g (5oz) onion, sliced
5cm (2”) piece of fresh ginger, finely chopped
5ml (1tsp) chilli powder
5ml (1tsp) coriander seeds
5ml (1tsp) cumin
5ml (1tsp) cinnamon
salt and pepper to taste
10ml (2tsp) cornflour
150ml (
pint) single cream
roasted cashew nuts to serve
1 Place the chicken in a bowl, stir in the yogurt,
garlic, creamed coconut and turmeric.  Cover
and leave to marinate for at least 1 hour in the
2 Place the butter in a large bowl and heat on
100P for 30 seconds, until melted. Add the onion
and cook on 100P for 2 minutes. Stir in the
ginger, chilli powder and coriander.  Cook on
100P for 1 minute.
3 Add chicken and marinade, mix well. Stir in the
cumin and cinnamon. Season, cover and cook
on 100P for 10 minutes, stir halfway through
4 Rearrange the chicken pieces and cook on 50P
for 8 minutes, stir halfway through cooking.
5 Combine the cornflour with the cream, stir into the
chicken and cook on 100P for 6 minutes.
Sprinkle with roasted cashew nuts to serve.
Serves 4     
Preparation time  -  6 minutes
4 boneless chicken breasts (200g (7oz) each)
45ml (3tbsp) clear honey
5ml (1tsp) whole grain mustard
2.5 ml (
tsp) dried tarragon
15ml (1tbsp) tomato purée
150ml (
pint) chicken stock
15ml (1tbsp) cornflour blended with water
salt and pepper to taste
1 Place the chicken breasts in a casserole dish.
2 Mix all remaining ingredients together and pour
over the chicken.
3 Cover and cook on 70P for 20 minutes. Turnover
and coat the chicken with the sauce several times
during cooking.
R-354M O/M & C/B  22/02/2001  12:02  Page 41
Page of 36

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