KX-TGA915EXS - Panasonic Telephone Service Manual (repair manual). Page 23

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Transmitted Power 
Remove the Antenna before starting step from 1 to 4.
1. Configure the DECT tester (CMD60) as follows;
• Test mode: PP
• RFPI: 0102030405
• Traffic Carrier: 5
• Traffic Slot: 4
• Mode: Loopback
• RF LEVEL = -70 dBm
2. Execute the command “regcmd60 01 02 03 04 05”.
3. Initiate connection from DECT tester.
4. Confirm that the NTP value at ANT is 19 dBm ~ 24 dBm.
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
Modulation Check and 
Follow steps 1 to 3 of (G).
4.Confirm that the B-Field Modulation is -350 ~ -400/+320 ~ +370 kHz/div using 
data type Fig 31.
5.Adjust the B-Field Modulation if required. (Execute the command “Readmod” 
and “wrtmod xx”, where xx is the value.)
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
Frequency Offset 
Follow steps 1 to 3 of (G).
4.Confirm that the frequency Offset is < ±45 kHz.
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
Frequency Drift 
Follow steps 1 to 3 of (G).
4.Confirm that the frequency Drift is < ±30 kHz/ms.
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
Sensitivity Receiver 
Follow steps 1 to 3 of (G).
4.Set DECT tester power to -90 dBm.
5.Confirm that the BER is < 1000 ppm.
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
Timing Confirmation
Follow steps 1 to 3 of (G).
4.Confirm that the Timing accuracy is < ±2.0 ppm.
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
(M)* RSSI Level Confirmation
Follow steps 1 to 3 of (G).
4.Set DECT tester power to -81 dBm.
5.Execute the command “readrssi”.
6.Confirm that the returned value is 1D ±8 (hex).
7.Set DECT tester power to -63 dBm.
8.Execute the command “readrssi”.
9.Confirm that the returned value is 27 ±8 (hex).
IC9, IC6, IC7, 
R54, C31, 
C32, C50, 
C45, R21, 
R22, R58, 
R13, R14, 
R15, R16, 
R17, R18, 
R19, R20
Check or 
Replace Parts
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