TX-P46U20E, TX-PR46U20 - Panasonic Plasma Service Manual (repair manual). Page 27

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9.13. Remove the Hanger metals and
the Stand brackets
1. Remove the Plasma panel section from the servicing
stand and lay on a flat surface such as a table (covered
by a soft cloth) with the Plasma panel surface facing
2. Remove the Stand brackets (L, R) fastening screws (
 each) and remove the Stand bracket metals (L, R)
and the Stand brackets (L, R).
3. Remove the Hanger metals (L, R) fastening screws (
 each) and remove the Hanger metals (L, R).
9.14. Remove the C1-Board
1. Remove the Hanger metal R and the Stand bracket R.
(See section 9.13.)
2. Remove the flexible cable holder fastening screws (
3. Disconnect the flexible cables (CB1, CB2, CB3, CB4,
CB5, CB6, CB7 and CB8).
4. Disconnect the flexible cables (C10 and C11).
5. Remove the screws (
) and remove the C1-Board.
9.15. Remove the C2-Board
1. Remove the Tuner unit. (See section 9.5.)
2. Remove the Hanger metal L and the Stand bracket L.
(See section 9.13.)
3. Remove the flexible cable holder fastening screws (
4. Disconnect the flexible cables (CB9, CB10, CB11, CB12,
CB13, CB14 and CB15).
5. Disconnect the flexible cables (C20 and C21).
6. Disconnect the connectors (C23 and C25).
7. Remove the screws (
) and remove the C2-Board.
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