AVR 340 (serv.man2) - Harman Kardon Audio User Guide / Operation Manual. Page 26

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System Configuration
Manual Setup
Harman Kardon recommends that you use the
EzSet/EQ procedure described on pages 24-26 to
configure your receiver for operation. However,
you may manually configure your AVR if you have
fewer than six speakers in your system, if you
have run EzSet/EQ but wish to make
adjustments, if your EzSet/EQ microphone is not
available, or if you simply prefer to make your
adjustments manually. In addition, the A/V Sync
Delay setting must be performed manually (see
Delay Settings section, page 29).
To begin manual setup using the full-OSD menu 
system, press the OSD Button v so that the
appears on screen. Press
Buttons p until the › cursor
points to the MANUAL SETUP line, and
press the Set Button p. The MANUAL
menu (Figure 10) will appear.
With the MASTER M E N U on screen, press
Button n until the › cursor is
pointing to the MANUAL SETUP line,
and press the Set Button p. The
submenu will appear
(see Figure 10).
Figure 10
The first line of the MANUAL SETUP
menu indicates whether EzSet/EQ has been run
and its settings saved. If this line indicates
, then you will be able to see the settings
determined by EzSet/EQ as you view the
submenus. You
may use the 
Buttons n to move the
› cursor to point to this line, and then use the
‹/› Buttons o
 to change this setting to
if you wish to reset the speaker size,
crossover, output level and delay settings to their
factory defaults.
Note: If you have forgotten to unplug the
EzSet/EQ microphone, you will be unable to
access the SPEAKER S I Z E,
and D E L A Y
Adjust the submenus in the MANUAL
submenu in order, as some settings
require that previous settings be established first.
Speaker Setup
This menu tells the AVR which type of speakers
are in use. This is important as it adjusts the set-
tings that decide whether your system will use
the "5-channel" or "6-channel/7-channel"
modes, as well as determine which speakers
receive low-frequency (bass) information.
If you have already completed an automated
setup using EzSet/EQ the settings calculated dur-
ing that procedure will already appear. No further
adjustment is required unless you wish to change
a specific item to reflect your personal taste or a
nonstandard system configuration.
For each of these settings use the 
ting if the speakers for a particular position are
traditional full-range loudspeakers that are capa-
ble of reproducing sounds below 200Hz.
Use the 
setting for smaller, frequency-
limited satellite speakers that do not reproduce
sounds below 200Hz. Note that when “small”
speakers are used, a subwoofer is required to
reproduce low-frequency sounds. Remember that
the “large” and “small” descriptions do not refer
to the actual physical size of the speakers, but to
their ability to reproduce low-frequency sounds.
If you are in doubt as to which category
describes your speakers, consult the specifica-
tions in the speakers’ owner’s manual, or ask
your dealer.
At last, this menu also makes you chose if the
speaker setting will be the same for each input
source (
), or will be set differently for
each input (
• When "Independent" is selected for the speak-
er settings (see below), they need to be made
for each input individually and you can deter-
mine which speaker should be used depending
on the input source selected. So it´s possible
e.g. to turn off the Center and/or the Sub with
any music source selected and to use them
with any movie input source.
• With the currently selected input all speaker
settings will be copied to all other surround
modes (as far as speakers are used with them)
and need not be repeated when another sur-
round mode is selected with that input.
It is easiest to enter the proper settings for the
speaker setup through the 
menu (Figure 7). So press the OSD Button
to bring up the 
(Figure 1),
and then press the 
D three times
so that the cursor is on the 
Figure 10
At this point, press the Set Button
F and
select the 
(Figure 11).
Figure 11
1. Before you start the speaker setting, you
should determine if you want all inputs being
configured with the same speaker size setting
) or if all inputs should be configured
individually (
To configure all inputs for "Global" or "Inde-
pendent" press the 
D twice so that
the cursor is next to the 
This setting allows you to use the same speaker
configuration for all inputs, or to have different
settings for each input. In most cases the factory
default setting of 
will be appropriate,
as most listeners do not need to have individual-
ized speaker settings. However, some listeners,
particularly those with full-range front speakers
that are used for both movies and music may
prefer that different speaker settings be used
when listening to music through a CD player as
opposed to a movie from a DVD player, VCR or
cable/satellite set top.
    *     S P E A K E R   S I Z E       *
  L E F T / R I G H T : S M A L L
  C E N T E R         : S M A L L
  S U R R O U N D     : S M A L L
  S U R R   B A C K   : S M A L L   M A I N
  S U B W O O F E R   : S U B
  B A S S   M G R     : G L O B A L
  B A C K   T O   M A N U A L   S E T U P
  *   M A N U A L   S E T U P   *
E z S e t   A C T I V A T E : N O
S P E A K E R   S I Z E
S P E A K E R   X - O V E R
D E L A Y   A D J U S T
C H A N N E L   A D J U S T  
B A C K   T O   M A S T E R   M E N U
  *   M A N U A L   S E T U P   *
E z S e t   A C T I V A T E : N O
S P E A K E R   S I Z E
S P E A K E R   X - O V E R
D E L A Y   A D J U S T
C H A N N E L   A D J U S T  
B A C K   T O   M A S T E R   M E N U
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