FL 8380 (serv.man11) - Harman Kardon Audio Service Manual (repair manual). Page 10

Read Harman Kardon FL 8380 (serv.man11) Service Manual online

Signal to Noise Ratio
1.  Set the mode of the filter to ‘ S/N’  mode
2.  Play track 2 of the test disc
3.  The unit of the audio analyzer is set to dB mode
4.  Press the S/N key on the control panel of the audio analyzer
5.  Play track 7
6.  Measure the data of S/N ratio
Dynamic Range
1.  Set the mode of the filter to ‘ D-Range’  mode
2.  Set the audio analyzer to ‘ DIST’  Mode
3.  Set the unit of the audio analyzer to ‘ dB’  mode
4.  Play track 17of the test disc
5.  The dynamic range should be |A| + 60dB
Channel Separation
1.  Set the mode of the filter to ‘ DIST/CH-SP’  mode
2.  Set the audio analyzer to ‘ LEVEL’  mode
3.  Play the tracks 8, 9, 10 & 11
4.  The measured results is the difference between L & R channel
1.  Press the ‘ THRU’  button of the CD filter
2.  Play the track 2 of the test disc
3.  Press the ‘ Relative Level’  and make it ‘ ON’
4.  Select the track 12 and 13 and measure the L & R channels value
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